Your Radiology Records in Your Pocket

View them, download them, or share them with doctors - they're yours after all.

How It Works

Step 1: Get your imaging files
If you don't have your imaging ("DICOM") files yet, you can request that your provider send them to you by contacting their office or through the patient portal. Usually, they send these files on a CD.
Step 2: Upload them to Guava
Once you get the files, you can upload them to Guava (through "File Uploads" in the Sources tab). Our system will automatically detect your X-Rays, MRIs and other imaging records.
Step 3: Your Records In Your Pocket, Wherever You Go.
View your radiology images across all your devices, or share them with a new care provider! No more dealing with CDs, giant envelopes or paying for duplicative imaging.