How Guava Works

Step 1: Import your health data
Connect with your health providers and devices. Upload your PDFs, imaging, document scans, and CCDA documents, and enter as much additional data as you want.
Provider Search Interface
Step 2: Immediate online access to your data. No waiting weeks for records.
No more faxes, DVDs, or unnecessary paperwork. We integrate with health facilities and fitness devices to make your data available right away when you sign up and after future doctor visits.
Guava Records Page
Step 3: Understand your test results
Understand your results and other records through plain language and visual context.
Chart View of Test Results
Step 4: Take action on your health
Share your profile with doctors to spot any issues and put together an action plan. Discuss potential lifestyle or diet changes.
Heart Biomarkers

Setting up your Guava Profile

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What you can do with Guava

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Frequently Asked Questions

What types of data does Guava support?
Medical records
e.g. blood tests, doctor visits, X-rays, MRIs, medications, and other metrics in your patient portals
Paper copies of health documents
Guava extracts useful information from your paper documents so you don't have to manually enter them
e.g. blood test results, vaccination cards, visit summaries, or insurance bills
Fitness device and app metrics
e.g. steps, heart rate, sleep, weight, and workouts from Fitbit, Garmin, Withings, Oura, Google, Apple, and more
Manually entered information
e.g. supplements, lifestyle habits, or injuries not already recorded in your doctor's records
Which countries does Guava support?
Guava supports programmatic medical record retrieval in the United States. Everything else is supported globally, such as uploading paper copies of health documents, bills, digital files such as X-ray or MRI, or integrating fitness devices and apps.
Which devices and operating systems does Guava support?
Guava supports all modern devices including phones, tablets, and computers using Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and any other OS that supports modern web browsing. Guava can also be installed as a native web app on any modern device so that it's available in your app launcher.
How much does it cost to use Guava?
You can make use of many of our features at no cost with our Free Plan. We also offer a Premium Plan for those who are serious about tracking their health. See Plans.
How long does it take to get my records?
The majority of records from health systems can be retrieved in less than a minute after your authorization. For certain health systems or record types that are not yet supported, the health system must be contacted manually to request records which can take hours to days depending on the speed of the provider involved. We provide automated tools to import the records your provider gives you.
Why do I need Guava to get my records instead of requesting them myself?
You could request your own medical records from each health system, usually by calling them and requesting for your records to be mailed to you in paper or DVD form after a few weeks. After receiving your paper records, you would need to manually read through the documents and extract useful information such as doctor notes and test results. Some records may even require special software to read, such as X-ray images or MRI. After every visit, you would need to re-request your records again.

Guava can do this on your behalf using integrations with health systems made possible by the 21st Century Cures Act, and help you fetch your records and organize them digitally, and continue to update after every visit.

How do I share my health profile with doctors or family members?
In your profile settings, you can choose to share your profile to any email address. You can choose whether to let someone fully manage your health profile (manager access), or just to view your profile (viewer access). You can also specify when the access expires, such as the duration of a doctor visit.
Does Guava help me in emergencies?
Yes! Every subscription comes with a free Guava Emergency Card for the profile owner. You can also gift a Guava Card to someone you care about.
Have any questions or want talk to a member of our team? Email us at [email protected]

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