Is Guava Right for Me? FAQ

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I’m already healthy, why would I need Guava?

Guava isn’t only for helping illnesses. Guava is a holistic preventive health tool for all ages, from newborns to the oldest of us. If you’re tracking your children’s health, Guava’s growth charts and vaccine schedule will help you stay up to date with their healthy ranges. If you’re an adult with no illnesses, Guava helps you understand and optimize your wellness (diet, fitness, lifestyle), which can improve mood, stamina, energy, mental clarity, and more. And, everyone sees a doctor now and then, so when the time comes, Guava will organize your data so you can easily understand it and find it when needed in the future.

How can I trust Guava to keep my data private and secure?

We never sell your data and never share it without your permission. Your privacy and security are central to our mission and you can learn more on our privacy and security page.

Guava’s policies and technology have been vetted and officially approved by,, and many other healthcare organizations with strong requirements for privacy and security (see our supported apps). NOTE: these agencies cannot see or control your Guava data from other providers.

I don’t want to do a bunch of work just to be healthy, will Guava still work for me?

Neither do we. Guava is designed to do as much of the work for you as possible. Many Guava features are fully automatic, such as syncing your medical and fitness data, and reading data from long documents. Additional effort you put in will increase Guava’s helpfulness, such as by giving you more insights if you regularly log your symptoms and medication usage.

I don’t have a patient portal login with my provider, can I still get my records in Guava?

Yes! You have several options:

Sign up for your doctor’s patient portal.
Many let you sign up immediately after typing your birth date and social security number, but some require you to call them.

Call or email your provider to request your own records.
You’ll probably have to fill out a form and then scan paper records and export any DVD/CD contents. You can also ask for digital PDFs or CCDA documents and upload those to Guava.

You can also read our full article on how to get your medical records.

I don’t have a fitness tracker device, will Guava still be useful to me?

While fitness trackers are one of the easiest ways to track your health, Guava supports many other methods too, and there are many Guava features that don’t require fitness data. If you just don’t like wearing devices in certain places, keep in mind there are several different styles on the market including wrist watches, ankle bands, and rings for your finger.

But, in case you don’t wear a device:

I already have MyChart or another patient portal with my doctor and it works fine, why would I need Guava?

Guava is not a patient portal. There are many differences:

Fitbit/Apple/other device already has an app I use, is Guava still useful for me?

Guava supports much more than just fitness device data, so it can be useful just to have your other health info in the same place for comparison.

If you have multiple fitness devices (watches, smart scales, blood pressure cuffs, rings, glucose monitors, etc.), or if you switch devices, then Guava will keep all that data beautifully in a single chart. No multiple logins and multiple interfaces to memorize.

Guava also shows correlations between your fitness data and other factors, so you can see whether certain foods may be affecting your sleep, for instance.

I want to use Guava for fitness or tracking, but I’d rather not use it for my sensitive medical data.

No problem at all! Some medical data can be very useful to track, especially lab results like glucose readings, but you have full control over which data you import to Guava. You can choose to only import fitness/wellness data if you prefer. Many patient portals also allow you to select a subset of your data to import, so you could choose to only import vital signs like blood pressure, but leave out more sensitive data like conditions and surgeries.

I like the idea of health insights and correlations, but logging my daily habits and activities is too much work for me.

More logging can give you more insights, but Guava has several options for automatic tracking to help you save time and simplify your life:

I already log some health data in another app, will I have to start over?

Nope! Guava can import your data in bulk from other apps. Some apps can be connected directly, and for others you’ll need to find their Export button to download your data and then use Guava’s Data Import tool. If your data type isn’t supported yet, let us know at [email protected] and we’ll look into adding it right away (new import types are quick to add).

All my medical records are stored on paper rather than patient portals, can Guava still help me?

Yes! Just take a picture or scan your documents, and Guava will use state-of-the-art machine learning technology to automatically extract your medical data. This means that you can still see most of your lab results in beautiful charts and search your records easily.

My main care provider doesn’t sync with Guava, what do I do?

If you can’t sync with a provider, there is often a quick fix. Sometimes, your provider’s patient portal goes by a different name or is grouped under a larger health system. So, if you don’t find them in your first search, look at their website and try any other names they might go by. If you know that Guava doesn’t have your provider, or even if Guava says your provider isn’t connectable yet, sometimes this is immediately fixable so please send us a quick email at [email protected] and we’ll manually verify it.

If your provider uses less common patient portal software or they're not in the USA, then we may not have integrated with them yet. However, integrations are quick to add and we’re adding new ones to our supported list all the time, so let us know if you want us to connect your patient portal and we’ll prioritize it.

Many patient portals, including those outside the US, have buttons to export to CCDA files or PDFs, both of which can be uploaded to Guava and integrated into your profile.

In the rare case where your provider exclusively uses paper, you can always photograph or scan the documents they give you and Guava will extract your health information when you upload it.

My health device or app doesn’t sync with Guava, what do I do?

If your app or device is not on our supported apps list, first check whether it’s supported through an aggregator such as Google Fit or Apple Health. If it is, then you can simply enable Google Fit or Apple Health on your device and connect that to Guava instead, and data will automatically sync.

If your app is totally unsupported, send us an email at [email protected] with your desired app and we’ll look into it. Some apps are very quick to add, so don’t be shy!

Another option for unsupported apps is to find the app’s Export button to download all your data, and then use Guava’s Import function to upload it in bulk. This isn’t quite as nice because your data won’t sync in real time, but it does let you upload your historical data.

I'm already sick all the time, I don't want to add more work to my plate

We design Guava to be simple and automatic where possible. If you have a chronic illness, Guava can save you time by reducing the work you already do. For instance, if you’re logging your meds and symptoms in various notebooks or one-off apps, Guava lets you do that quickly in one place. Or, if you’re searching for instructions from a past doctor visit, Guava can scour all your records much quicker than flipping through a huge stack of paper or emails or patient portals.

I am worried my data will be sold or shared with insurance companies who will discriminate against me.

Guava does not sell your data and will never share it with anyone without your permission. In the US, you have further protection under federal law which stops insurance companies from discriminating against preexisting medical conditions.

Will my abortion data be safe in Guava?

We encrypt all data and never sell or share it without your permission. You can also choose to remove any extra-sensitive medical data from your Guava profile to be extra safe.

I want to track and improve my health, but I don’t want to spend any more money

Guava’s base version is totally free and allows you to fully import your devices and medical records and log all the data you want. Guava has paid upgrades to make this process easier and faster, and to support your health in other ways, but these upgrades are optional.

I’m young and healthy, why would I need an Emergency Card?

An Emergency Card isn’t just for people with illnesses. Emergencies can happen to anyone, and even a healthy person often has information that could help save their life during an emergency. Allergies, current supplements or medications, and emergency contacts are some examples. Medical staff don’t have a universal database where they can just look up your data, and your insurance card doesn’t give them access to medical data either.

Travel is another reason healthy people may want an Emergency Card. If you get hurt in another country or far away from your doctor and family, having relevant health information and contact information in your wallet could be a life saver.