Pregnancy Guide
Weeks 1-8
Welcome to the Journey!
Week 1
Your baby is the size of
Week 1-2: During the first two weeks of your menstrual cycle, you experience your period. About halfway through the cycle, which is typically around two weeks later, the most mature egg is released from your ovary. This process is known as ovulation. The exact timing of ovulation can vary, depending on the length of your menstrual cycle, which averages about 28 days.

Your baby

It's all about ovulation and preparing for the potential conception. Your body is gearing up for pregnancy.

General tips

Pro Tip
Start your day with folic acid! It's a superhero for your baby's brain and spine development. Think leafy greens, orange juice, and fortified cereals to hit that 400 mcg daily target.

Your body

Delayed Symptom Onset
In these initial weeks, it's common not to notice symptoms until after a missed period, sometimes up to two weeks later.
Breast Tenderness and Swelling
You might begin to notice your breasts feeling tender and swollen, a normal sign of the hormonal changes occurring.
Frequent Urination
Increased urination is a direct result of your body's increased blood volume, leading to more fluid being processed and excreted.
Morning Sickness and Fatigue
Early pregnancy might introduce you to morning sickness and fatigue, often due to hormone changes.
Mood Swings
Mood swings may become part of your experience, a natural response to your body's hormonal adjustments.
Bloating is another symptom you might encounter due to the hormonal changes.
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