General tips
Stress Reduction
Try to reduce your stress wherever possible! Get regular exercise, let the household chores go undone sometimes. If there are any older siblings in the house, now is a good time to start fostering independence in their daily care and pitching in on chores! Prioritize Rest
Get to bed early. Healthy Diet Maintenance
Make sure to maintain a healthy diet. Vacation Planning
If you are planning any pre-baby vacations, now is a good time to think about that! Remember, no flights after 28 weeks internationally, and after 36 weeks domestically. Your body
Energy Boost
As morning sickness starts to subdue for many people at this stage in pregnancy, you might notice a surge in your energy levels. Your Uterus and Growing Pains
A growing uterus means stretching ligaments, which can lead to a spectrum of sensations in your lower abdomen, from a dull ache to sharper pains on either side of your stomach (or both). Oral Health Changes
Your mouth may go through its own changes too, with swelling or bleeding gums, the occasional sore, or even looser teeth - all part of the hormonal landscape. Saliva Production Increase
An increase in saliva production is not uncommon during this phase of pregnancy. Appearance of Spider Veins
You might start seeing spider veins, which are caused by the increase in blood circulating through your system and hormonal changes. Vivid Dreams
Dreams might become more vivid and unusual, a common experience during pregnancy. Increase in Vaginal Discharge
Expect an increase in vaginal discharge. Onset of Food Cravings
Food cravings start to kick in! When to call your doctor
If you are experiencing any of these, it’s recommended to contact your provider:
- Abdominal pain that doesnt go away or gets worse
- Have discharge from your vagina that has changed from its normal color or has a bad smell
- Have pain, soreness, or itching in the vaginal area
- Have symptoms of UTI
- Have craving or eating things that are not food, like chalk or clay
- Feel very stressed or anxious or depressed.
To track pregnancy action items and prepare for prenatal doctor visits
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