Managing postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) self-care can be overwhelming, but the right tools can make it easier. Guava simplifies POTS symptom tracking, medication management, and hydration monitoring, helping you uncover triggers and track progress. Whether you're newly diagnosed or refining your routine, this guide shows how Guava can support your dysautonomia self-care and help you prepare for doctor visits with data-backed insights.
POTS symptom tracking
Start by logging your symptoms daily, or as they come up. You can record all the details you want, like intensity, frequency, and duration of symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, or a rapid heart rate. The body map feature allows you to pinpoint the exact location of symptoms, and over time a ‘heat map’ will be generated that shows you which areas tend to flare up the most.

Guava also lets you make custom symptoms and symptom groups that might be unique to your kind of dysautonomia.
Your symptom groups might include:
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Heart palpitations
- Light-headedness
- Fainting
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Tremors
- Brain fog
- Fatigue
- Joint pain
- Nausea
- Body aches
- Headache
- Dizziness

Med management
In Guava, you can create custom medication schedules, complete with reminders so that you don’t miss a dose. If you take certain medications or supplements to manage your POTS or dysautonomia, logging frequency and dosage can help your provider assess the severity of your symptoms and effectiveness of treatments.

Heart rate monitoring for POTS
Guava automatically syncs with your health monitoring devices to collect any and all available data about your heart rate. This allows you to understand how your heart rate is changing over long periods and throughout the day.

Guava also integrates Heart Rate Variability (HRV) data, which is an important indicator of how well your heart is responding to changes like exercise, stress, or standing up after lying for a while. A lower HRV is common in POTS patients, so this data combined with a higher than normal heart rate can be a good diagnostic clue for POTS or other forms of dysautonomia. By comparing these changes with activity, medications, or food, salt, and water intake, Guava can be an incredibly useful tool for identifying triggers and learning how to keep symptoms at bay.
Urine tracking for POTS
The urine tracking feature in Guava allows you to keep track of relevant information like amount, color, and any associated symptoms, like pain. Comprehensive logging of urine can be useful in ensuring adequate hydration, evaluating the effectiveness of dietary changes like increased salt intake, medication changes, and monitoring for signs of potential complications.

Sodium tracking for POTS
There are a couple of ways to log sodium in Guava. The first is through food logging. If you already track food, you can simply add info about salt intake in the nutrient information section.
The other way you can log salt intake through Guava is by creating a custom type and labeling it salt (or whatever makes sense to you).

Insights in Guava
All the data you log in Guava, including your symptoms, activities, and medications are analyzed in the Insights feature. Insights help you pick out patterns and correlations relevant to your dysautonomia that might not have been obvious before. For instance, Insights can reveal whether certain foods exacerbate POTS symptoms, if certain meds have unintended side effects, or if some are more effective than others for pain management.

Preparing for your doctor visit with Guava
Guava can also consolidate this data into Visit Preps, which are sharable reports for your doctors. Visit Prep reports give providers a comprehensive overview of your POTS or dysautonomia-related history, both recent and long-term.
Visit Preps can cover past medical history, what you’ve recently tracked in Guava, and any key patterns or triggers that have been identified. For example, if your current medication doesn’t seem to be improving your heart rate fluctuations, Visit Prep is built to be your advocacy sidekick by showing your doctor concrete data. The Visit Prep feature also helps you come up with questions relevant to your conditions to ensure you’re getting the most out of your appointment.